Strong Advocates
For the Injured And For A Safer Iowa

You Deserve All The Information From Your Providers

Informed consent is fundamentally important to patients’ rights in the delivery of medical care in Iowa. If a medical professional fails to properly inform a patient of the risks of a procedure or course of treatment and something goes wrong, they can face malpractice lawsuits.

At Galligan Law, our Des Moines area attorneys represent clients throughout Iowa in medical malpractice cases involving lack of informed consent. With years of experience and a proven track record of success, our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in medical malpractice cases.

Knowing Your Rights As A Patient

Informed consent is required to ensure that you fully understand your medical options, risks and benefits before agreeing to any treatments or procedures. Whether you do not fully understand the risks due to your doctor using medical jargon to undergo a procedure you did not agree to, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim.

Your health care provider must explain your treatment or procedure and answer any questions you may have. The information given to you should include:

  • The purpose of the treatment
  • The procedure
  • Any alternative treatments
  • The risks and benefits of the treatment or procedure
  • The doctor or provider’s experience
  • Risk of death or injury from a procedure

If your physician does not disclose their inexperience, a recent Iowa Supreme Court ruling determined that a patient may sue a surgeon for not disclosing inexperience. For example, you have a right to know if your doctor is a medical resident before they perform procedures on you.

And when surgery is done, the first question has to be: Did the patient give informed consent to the surgery?

Discuss Your Case Today

Informed consent is an important aspect of your rights as a patient in Iowa. If something goes wrong with your treatment or procedure and you did not receive the proper information, our attorneys can help you file a claim to obtain compensation. To schedule a consultation and meet with one of our Des Moines malpractice lawyers, call us at 515-316-6179 or complete our online contact form.