Strong Advocates
For the Injured And For A Safer Iowa

Facing Medical Bills After An Accident: Your Recovery Is The No. 1 Concern

After a motor vehicle accident, a medical mistake or a fall causes you injury, your first priority must be to get the best medical evaluation and treatment available. The sooner you get the health care that you need to recover as well as you can, the sooner you can get on the path to wellness.

Medical bills can quickly become an overriding concern as you recover from your injuries. If you have suffered a serious injury, you need time to rest, recuperate and do your part to help yourself heal. You need the peace of mind that comes with reassurance that your medical bills will be paid.

Pathways To Financial And Physical Recovery Go Hand In Hand

What if you don’t have much health insurance or any at all?  Your physical condition cannot wait while legal processes are underway. You need to be able to work with doctors and other medical care professionals right away and continuously.

When you have Galligan Law on your side, you may find avenues of hope even in the face of rapidly mounting medical bills after an accident. Our years of experience and our strong track record can be assets in your case. We can recommend doctors and medical organizations that will treat you regardless of your ability to pay.

The Importance Of Our Experience And Strong Track Record

While you work at getting well, we will look into all possible causes of the collision, surgical error or another type of accident that injured you, along with potentially liable parties and avenues for financial recovery. We will investigate and advise you on applicable insurance coverages, including uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, dram shop coverage, liability umbrellas and corporate coverages.

Thanks to our strong record of results, medical providers in Des Moines and elsewhere in Iowa trust in our judgment. When we reassure them that a client will ultimately recover the compensation that will allow them to pay their bills, they can believe us. Our goal is for our clients to be able to focus on getting better while we prepare compelling injury claims and lawsuits on their behalf.

Let’s Talk About Your Medical Costs After An Accident

We are committed to making Iowa a safer place for all through advocacy for the injured. To schedule a consultation, call Local: 515-316-6179 or complete our online inquiry form.